Tikkun olam — in Hebrew תיקון עולם, meaning «repairing of the world» — is a concept in Judaism which refers to various forms of action intended to repair and improve the world.

Tikunchorim — in Hebrew תיקון חורים — means «repairing holes». In an effort to slow consumerism and to honor old traditions that make more sense for our planet and our homes, mending is a beautiful way to keep our clothes and other textiles longer and more responsibly. It is a useful skill to have, one that I have been practising for a long time and that I want to share, through teaching and through custom orders.

Don't throw it, mend it

Don't throw it, mend it ✹


I would love to repair your beloved clothes and textiles that need extra care. I offer darning and patching, and I do everything by hand in my studio. Commissions start at 200 ILS/50€ and go up from there, with discounts for multiple pieces.

To request a commission

Visit my instagram @tikunchorim to get a sense of what I do.
Fill this form with your request. Please prepare pictures of the piece (full and close-up) and as many details as possible (materials, number and size of holes, preferred colors, etc).